david yip in Chinese
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- yip
- n. 〔口语〕 1.小狗叫声;叫喊(声);怨言。 2.小狗。 vi. 1.(小狗)吠叫;叫喊。 2.发怨言;找碴儿。
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- david
- n. 1.大卫〔《圣经》古以色列国王〕。 2.戴维〔姓氏,男子名〕。 短语和例子 David and Jonathan 同生共死的朋友。
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- amy yip
- 叶子楣; 子楣
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- bobby yip
- 八两金; 叶竞生
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- carmen yip
- 叶卓敏; 卓敏
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What is the meaning of david yip in Chinese and how to say david yip in Chinese? david yip Chinese meaning, david yip的中文,david yip的中文,david yip的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.